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  !File: Pointing to Another File:
    So far we have been dealing with a two-level database consisting of
    short entries that expand to long entries. However, we can also have a
    short entry expand to another list of short entries. Unlike a long
    entry, which can be typed directly under its short entry, a list of
    short entries must be placed in a separate file. We can also place a
    single long entry in a file by itself and expand to it from a short
    entry. The !file: command allows us to accomplish both of these tasks.

    Example of expanding to another list of short entries from a short entry:

  +.!short Easy Listening by Category.                                  
 ++.!file: softrock.ngo                                                 
 |+-------  When ENTER is pressed, this short entry will.....
 +--------  will display the short entries in the "softrock" file.

    Example of expanding to a single long entry contained in a separate file:

  +.!short List of CD's on loan.                                         
 ++.!file: cd_loan.ngo                                                  
 |+-------  When ENTER is pressed, this short entry will.....
 +--------  will display the long detailed entry in the "cd_loan" file.

    This ends the tutorial session. Refer to the reference section for a
    more detailed look at each command and how it is implemented.


See Also: Creating Your Own Hypertext Database - An Overview. Organization of Data Files. !Short: Short Entries (A list of one line descriptions). Long Entries. (Detailed text under short entries). Related Topics (also known as !seealso: cross referencing). Compiling (Preparing the text file for linking). Creating the Menu Link Control File. Adding Another Menu. Linking (Combines all compiled files into the final Database). What We Have Covered So Far.
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